
A Political & Cultural Renaissance?

Transforming the progressive administrative state we have into a self-governing constitutional republic will require deep cultural reform rooted in moral reality.

Regarding some of the documents I mentioned in this podcast:

  • Here is Woodrow Wilson’s essay, “Leaders of Men,” in which Wilson describes human beings as “clay” to be molded, shaped, and used by political leaders.

  • Here is Samuel West’s 1776 sermon, “On the Right to Rebel Against Governors,” in which he defends the thesis “where licentiousness begins, liberty ends.”

  • This is the first speech ever presented by a United States President—George Washington’s First Inaugural Address—in which Washington perfectly summarized Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, explaining that there is by nature “an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness.”

  • Here is Glennon Doyle’s best-selling book, Untamed, a celebration of simplified postmodern moral relativism popularized for hoi polloi.